REACH gesta-talarar
NTM nú kunngjørt nakrar av gesta-talarunum til REACH stevnuna, sum verður 26-28 Mars 2021. Vit gleða okkum!
Steve and Gerdine Stanley.
Steve (UK) and Gerdine (the Netherlands), along with Oscar and two (yet to be born) baby girls, work in the Kovol tribe of Papua New Guinea as church planters. After training in North Cotes, they left for PNG in 2016, eventually selecting Kovol as a ministry location in 2019. The Kovol people number around 1000 and live in the Adelbert mountains of the Madang province, a two day hike from the nearest logging road. Two generations ago, missionaries evangelised the area and baptised everyone. There has been no follow up from that for 40 years, and all that is left is a handful of people with dim memories of the big baptism, which included a burning of the items of power (like bows and wooden armour for fighting). People’s trust seems to be in doing the right things so that God blesses them with material possessions. Our missionary team has been incredibly warmly received. A neighbouring language group received missionaries about ten years ago, and the Kovol people have been asking for their own ever since. Before we finished building our houses the people held a feast for us to show their appreciation!Our team is currently learning the Kovol language and culture and the people are faithfully teaching us, eagerly anticipating the day when they can hear the truth in their own language.
Danny and Philippa Brooks
Hi, we are Danny, Philippa, Isabela and Judah Brooks. We have been missionaries in the Philippines with New Tribes Mission since 2004. Danny is originally from California and Philippa is from N. Ireland.We lived in a remote village on the island of Palawan for over ten years and had the joy of church planting there with a multicultural team of missionaries. It has been our greatest joy to go out into the world with the Gospel and, despite all our fears, weakness and inabilities, witness the Lord and His Word faithfully change lives for all eternity. A favourite verse of ours is: “Faithful is He who calleth you who also will do it.” 1 Thess 5:24We started church planting in a second village, on another island, with so much more boldness, not because of confidence in ourselves, but due to a greater faith in our great God. However, a year into life there Danny was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and we made our way back to the USA for treatment. We praise God that He has chosen to restore Danny’s health at this time and we are preparing, God willing, to make our way back to the Philippines this year.Through all of this, we are so aware that our lives are not our own. What a gift and privilege to live fully for the Lord by living each day in obedience to His will. As a family, we are so grateful to share of the goodness and faithfulness of our God. He is worthy of it all.
Jack Douglas
Jack Douglas went to work in Papua New Guinea in 1970, with his wife, Isa, and their small child, David. They did their orientation in the Highlands region. Hearing about a tribe called the Pawaia, they made many attempts to begin a work in that language group but were met with various frustrations. During this time their daughter, Sandra, was born. In 1973 the four of them were able to settle in a village and begin learning the Pawaia language. Eventually they were able to start Bible translation and Bible teaching. After many people professed salvation, the work of making disciples – teaching believers what the Bible tells us we should be and do – could begin. The Pawaian New Testament was presented to the believers in 2000. By 2007 it was considered that the believers, under the guidance of their own elders, could function without the missionaries needing to be present. From then on, Jack and Isa made yearly visits back to Papua New Guinea to encourage the believers. Isa went to be with the Lord in 2019 and is greatly missed. Jack has since moved to live on campus and become a member of the teaching staff here.